• Early Childhood Family Education

  • These classes are a great way to have fun together with your little ones(s) ages from birth to 5 years.  Classes include songs, stories, fingerplays, art projects, family playtime, and parent discussion with a parent educator.  We believe you are your child's first and most powerful teacher.  We want to help you on that journey!

    Parents and children seated around a rug

    What does a typical ECFE class include?
    Most ECFE classes meet once a week for two hours and include:

    • Parent-Child Activity Time, where families explore a classroom filled with developmentally appropriate play and learning activities planned by a licensed early childhood teacher.
    • Parent Discussion Time, where parents meet with a licensed parent educator to share support, experiences and information about child development and parenting techniques.
    • Child Activity Time, where children learn with a licensed early childhood teacher and paraprofessional to practice social skills as they interact with other children.

    To register, contact Beka Swisher at Mid State Education District at 320-631-2509 or email bswisher@midstate.k12.mn.us. Classes are available on a first-come, first-served basis.       

    • Note that ECFE will NOT meet if the District Schools are not in session on that particular day.
    • Parents can still register even if the classes have started.